FELLOWSHIP HOST - Parish ministries and organizations select their dates to serve at Fellowship. The Host does not purchase and donate the donuts, rather setup, monitor, serve, make coffee, clean up, and share their ministry information. The parish purchases the donuts from Krispy Creme and approved drivers pick them up on the dates being offered. Milk is also purchased by the parish and placed in the Cafetorium kitchen fridge prior to Fellowship.
Fellowship is on Sunday’s after the 7:30 am, 9:00 am and 11:00 am Mass. This normally begins the first Sunday after Labor Day in September through the end of the school year the last weekend in May, excluding selected Holiday weekends, however the pastor may choose to amend the schedule at any time.
Please see the schedule below which reflects the weekends there will be no fellowship due to special events, some 3 day weekends or church holidays. PLEASE NOTE: Effective 09/13/24 all Family Ministry meetings were moved to the St. Maria Center and those dates are now dates for Fellowhip Sunday! To request being the host on an open date or become a member of the Fellowship Committee, please email Brad at [email protected]
Below are the planned 2024 - 2025 Fellowship Dates! Last Update - Thursday, January 23, 2025 Ministries/Orgs - open dates are shown as blank lines