Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation, along with Baptism & Holy Communion. Confirmation completes the grace of Baptism & strengthens the Confirmand, to bear witness to the Christian faith in word & deed.
Adult Confirmation is for adults over 18, who attend Mass regularly, but missed Confirmation at the normal time.
Confirmation is not a 'graduation' from Church, nor a 'rite of passage' into adulthood, but a continuation of the spiritual journey already begun at Baptism in which the Candidate for Confirmation renews their Baptismal vows and makes a conscious adult decision to continue active participation in the Catholic faith.If you are currently married outside the Catholic Church, Marriage Preparation and/or validation of your current marriage is required before you can receive Confirmation. Unresolved marriage issues may delay reception of Confirmation.
Confirmation does not automatically qualify someone to be a Godparent or Sponsor, nor guarantee a 'Letter of Good Standing'.
Confirmation does not replace Marriage Preparation in anticipation of a Wedding nor validate an existing irregular marriage.
Contact Keith Parker at 817-274-0643 x1226 or email: [email protected]
Required forms, including Registration Form, Baptismal Certificate, & Sponsor Form must be submitted prior to attending the Adult Confirmation Class.